Stay Relevant, Folks: Your weekly marketing and PR roundup

Good PR and successful marketing strategy rely on relevance, so we’re bringing you a roundup of relevant blogs, posts and talks to stay on top of what’s going on in the industry.

This week in viral advertising, media and digital strategy

Super Bowl Sunday is about football, sure, but really … it’s a moment dedicated to engaging, fun and memorable advertising.

Our favorite was Dolly Parton’s ad for Squarespace, with a new version of her iconic “9 to 5” song. We loved this advertisement because, well, Dolly, of course. But also because it plays on an important and relatable moment in the world: many people overrun by the pressures of working from home and the monotony of pandemic life, are looking for creative outlets that they can turn into their dream jobs.

Squarespace’s “5 to 9” ad featuring Dolly Parton.

It was the much-needed model of escapism that audiences needed nearly a year into the COVID-19 pandemic.

And it’s really catchy too.

On the radar in the tech world

Facebook for Business released their emerging trends study and among their findings was this interesting nugget about brand presence online.

“Globally, 73% say they’re interested in trying new and different ways of shopping, and 82% say that social media has heightened their expectations around brand interaction.”

And while this study centered around shopping in an increasingly digital age, we think it adds value to the discussion on B2B marketing strategy and B2B sales.  

Take a look at this quote from the study:

“Consumers are looking for engaging experiences that invite participation, foster connection and inform decision making, such as virtual fittings and 3D detailing.”

The same applies for B2B tech companies: people want to participate, foster connection, and experience something that helps them make their purchasing decision.

Digital marketing strategy, practically speaking

On our blog this week, we discussed B2B marketing and sales strategies and how they need to adapt in 2021. Here are the highlights:

  1. You’ve got to embrace the digital world.
  2. Make your presence known online (and if we’re not convincing enough, refer back to that Facebook study above).
  3. Interact with your clients virtually on social media, because we’re still in a pandemic.
  4. Showcase your brand’s relevance.
  5. Use online communication for sales, studies say people love it.

Want practical steps to make those things happen? Read our blog on B2B sales and B2B marketing strategy in 2021.

Read the entire B2B sales and marketing strategy post.

Bragging rights, right? Our latest PR and digital marketing work

And in Zen-news, one of our clients launched their new website this week. Check out AAAMS’ new look, and see what our team has been up to.

Want to know the metrics behind our work? We had a 6.24% Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), and we increased every site metric (this means traffic, users and so on) by over 30% across the board over the previous month.

Not to brag, but hey, we’re proud of what we do.

A quote/joke to send you on your way

Did you hear about the fisherman who became an Instagram influencer?

His Stories aren’t great, but his Reels are fantastic!

Sourced from: Top Rank Blog

And ending on a high note, marketing can be fun(ny)

It’s the weekend, so we’ll leave you with this meme. If you’re not already following us on social media, you should, because we have gems like this. 


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