
client name
social media, social media giveaway

The challenge

Omnitracs, a middle market logistics company in the transportation space, needed to shift brand perception. They desperately needed to educate their industry on new mandates requiring trucker tracking, while simultaneously shaking off a “big brother” image that made their downstream market weary of what they had to offer. Aside from that piece of their business, they also wanted to empower their employees to take a positive stance on behalf of the company across digital and social channels. No small fleet. (Sorry, we couldn’t resist!)

The strategy

Expanding on their position as an industry leader, we helped Omnitracs strategically position themselves as a source of information and expertise on the new mandates by leveraging their fleet of internal experts, from C-suite to managers.

We let the initiative to educate their audience with a series of social media campaigns directing them back to the Omnitracs website. Here are examples of two such campaigns:

On one campaign alone, we reached over 26,000 unique members of their targeted audience which resulted in close to 900 engagements, putting this campaign in the top 1% of campaigns in the b2b space to have achieved this reach and engagement.

Another PR campaign, involving a fun contest, in which truckers shared photos of their companion animals drove incredible engagement with just one post bringing in over 800 engagements and 31 shares!

The results

The combination of high-quality content and consistent posts over the course of a year resulted in both elevated internal morale and external prestige.

This initiative led to a #MeetOmnitracs series of posts that empowered employees to share Omnitracs content and added a human face to the company. Both the mandate information and #MeetOmnitracs initiative added an approachable element to Omnitracs and began to melt away the preconceived notion of the brand as a “big brother” figure that couldn’t be trusted.

Meanwhile, the overall strategic social media efforts attracted a variety of leads as their customers and prospects started viewing Omnitracs through a different lens.

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