Dippin’ Dots



client name
Dippin’ Dots
PR, Social Media

The challenge

Dippin’ Dots, the beloved flash-frozen ice cream sensation from Kentucky, found themselves amidst a whirlwind of attention. Sparked by the A.V. Club’s uncovering of then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s series of tweets expressing distaste for the brand, this unexpected publicity had the potential to cast a shadow over the fun-loving brand’s image. Tasked with this unique challenge, Zen Media was poised to not only respond but to do so in a manner reflecting Dippin’ Dots’ core brand values: joy and connection.

The strategy

Zen Media crafted a witty yet amicable “Open Letter to Sean Spicer,” showcasing the brand’s playful confidence while also extending a friendly gesture of reconciliation. This letter wasn’t just a response; it was an embodiment of Dippin’ Dots’ spirit.

The open letter’s dissemination across the social media landscape was strategic, ensuring it captured the attention of the right audiences and sparked positive engagement.

The results

This response wasn’t just well-received—it exploded in popularity. The masterfully crafted open letter, complemented by a strategic social media campaign, achieved over 10 million views. Moreover, the campaign’s ripple effect was massive, with a combined reach of approximately 1.4 billion. Major tier-one media outlets covered the story extensively, along with numerous features in secondary publications.

A peek into Dippin’ Dots’ Twitter analytics reflected the campaign’s astounding success: mentions of “dippin dots” or “@dippindots” surged with over 31.3k tweets, marking an 8,000% growth in brand mentions.

In the wake of this unexpected PR opportunity, Zen Media not only managed to uphold Dippin’ Dots’ brand image but also amplified its reach and positive perception.

Ready to turn unexpected challenges into PR triumphs for your brand? Connect with Zen Media, and we’ll craft your narrative of success.

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